When's the next GW Robotics event happening? Take a look at our Calendar page!
We program our robots in both C and Python, allowing for many opportunities to gain experience in two popular industry-standard languages.
Building a robot is a daunting task requiring proper management and project flow.
Apply knowledge in signal processing, electrical control system design, and power distribution. We design our own circuits, pick our own sensors, and fabricate our own electrical systems.
Our competition robots are custom-designed by the team without the use of pre-made robot kits. This allows members to use CAD tools, machinery, and work in design teams.
Our team members provide mentorship for FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) Team 6584, an all-girl team in Kensington, Maryland. We also provide mentorship and teaching to fellow students.
GW Robotics is a student-run organization, relying on leadership in many different areas. We have yearly elections in which every position is available, for both administrative and technical roles.
Copyright (c) 2019, GW Robotics; all rights reserved.
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